首页> 中文期刊> 《中国软科学》 >优化非农建设用地空间配置--基于地方政府自发改革试验的机制重构




尽管我国土地利用计划管理机制在保护有限耕地资源、节约集约建设用地方面发挥了重要作用,但整体上效果并不理想。主要原因有:一是指标的分配难以适应各地区经济发展对用地需求的不断变化,也不能反映各地区耕地资源禀赋和非农产业发展区位条件的差异,层层下达的计划指标往往与实际情况差异很大,这样往往造成一些地区建设用地指标严重不足,而另一些地区指标过剩。二是建设用地计划指标无偿分配,间接地助长了城镇建设用地粗放低效利用。三是基于粮食安全的耕地保护具有外部性,由于经济补偿机制的缺失使得农民对耕地保护缺乏积极性和主动性。本文在反思现有的建设用地计划配置机制的基础上,剖析了一些地方政府自发性的改革试验,认为市场取向改革能够提高建设用地空间配置效率。在现有建设用地计划配置的制度框架下引入市场机制,促进建设用地指标跨区域配置。建议把各地区初始分配后的“农地转用指标”、城乡建设用地“增减挂钩指标”等非农建设用地指标,扣除因公共设施和公益事业建设等需要的用地指标后剩余指标遵循市场化交易机制,通过建设用地指标交易平台,实现非农建设用地指标远距离、大范围的空间置换。经过置换,经济欠发达地区建设用地指标的资产价值得到显化;同时经济发达地区也取得了相应的建设用地指标。通过具体项目落地,最终实现建设用地空间配置的优化。%The basic conditions of more people but less cultivated field which determine that China must implement and adhere to the most stringent farmland protection regulations and the land conservation system. The whole results of the mechanism of land-use planning management in protecting limited farmland resources and making use of the construction land economically are unsatisfactory. Basing on the reflection the mechanism of the land-use planning management, this paper analysis the spontaneous reforms which from the different local governments, for example, the trans-regional trading of the quotas of the construction land in Zhejiang province, the trading of the turnover quotas of the construction land in Chengdu city and the land tickets of the quotas of construction land in Chongqing. The Market-oriented reform could make the efficiency of the construction land allocation more efficient, promoting the trans-region allocation of the construction land by introducing the market mechanism under the existing legal framework. This paper suggests gathering the quotas of the construction land, including the quotas which been from the non-agricultural cultivated land, the hook quotas of the urban construction land increase and rural residential land decrease. It would be achieved the cross-regional spatial allocation of the construction land quotas through the trading platform of the construction land. Then the value of the quotas could be manifested which from these cities in the less-developed regions, besides that those cities in the developed regions could obtain the quotas of the construction land. At last, the aim of the high efficiency in the spatial allocation of the construction land has been achieved through the specific projects.



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