首页> 中文期刊> 《中国美容医学》 >女性乳房美学标准研究进展




Female breast is a soft tissue with irregular shape and large variation, making it dififcult to objectively describe its shape and position with a widely agreed aesthetic standard or measurement protocol. This literature reviewed previous studies on the concept of the perfect breast and its aesthetic parameters while comparing their methods and conclusion to facilitate follow-up studies. The current studies of breast aesthetics can be divided into 4 categories by their measurement protocols. Linear measurement on human body is simple and convenient, allowing its common application to clinical practice. Measurement based on two-dimensional images yields better objectivity and repeatability. Three-dimensional imaging enables consistent assessment of breast appearance, including a precise evaluation of volume, making it the mainstream of pioneer studies. Dynamic measurement, on the other hand, needs further work to interpret.%乳房是一个形态不规则、变异较大的软组织,至今仍缺乏统一的美学标准和规范的测量方法来反映其形态位置。本文总结了前人描述完美乳房的方法和美学参数,比较了不同方法的优劣和各国相关研究的结论,试图对后续研究有所帮助。现按测量方法将对乳房美学标准的研究分为线性测量、二维测量、三维测量和动态测量四大类:线性测量作为临床最为常用的方法,简便易行,地位无可代替;二维图片测量则更具客观性和可重复性;三维测量能够全面记录乳房形态轮廓,在体积测量上也较精准,是目前人体测量的大势所趋;涵盖动态测量参数的美学相关研究则寥寥无几,有待完善。



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