首页> 中文期刊> 《畜牧兽医学报》 >强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型的田间试验




Three trials were designed to test the efficacy of Eineri vac Plus,a coccidiosis vaccine developed in the Parasitology Laboratory,College of Veterinary Medicine,China Agricultura l University,against coccidiosis in broi lers under field conditions.In the first trial,broliers vaccinated by oral dropp ing at day old were compared with non-va ccinated,maduramasinmedicated broilers.I n the second trial,chickens vaccinated t hrough feed-spraying at day old were com pared with non-vaccinated,diclazuril-med icated chickens.In the third trial,birds vaccinated by oral dropping at 5 days o ld were compared with non-vaccinated,non -medicated birds.rn Compared with maduramasin,Einerivac Plus was move effective,judged by resistance to challenge infection and performance, in terms of food conversion and body wei ght gains.Compared with diclazuril,Einer ivac Plus was of the same efficacy,judge d by food conversion and body weight gai ns,but vaccinated chickens were more res istant to challenge infection.Compared w ith non-vaccinated,non-medicated birds,b irds that were vaccinated performed bett er,judged by body weight gains,food conv ersion,and livability.%本文报道了强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型对AA肉用仔鸡的田间免疫效果,马杜霉素或地克珠利作为对照药物;另一组以不用任何抗球虫药物作为对照。实验显示,与马杜霉素相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型后,AA肉用仔鸡在增重、饲料效率和成活率方面的优势;与地克珠利相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型后,AA肉用仔鸡在增重和饲料效率方面,效果相当,但成活率高 1%;与不用抗球虫药物组相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型后,鸡群在增重、饲料效率、成活率方面,均有显著优势。



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