


Wumen and Menghe school came from Jiangsu province, with drug particularly light, with a long history and famous generation. Successive physicians inherited the light medication of Wumen and Menghe school and exerted it in various disciplines. The department of dermatology is different from internal medicine, whose light medication has its unique advantages. The unique geographical climates of Wumen and Menghe areas provide the natural condition of "light medication". The traditional Chinese medicine theory has provided the theoretical foundation, and the clinical characteristics of dermatology have determined its practical significance. This paper aims to analyze and discuss the practical and theoretical basis of dermatology department, and summarize the characteristics of light medication, such as delicate and moderate, 2 caring for the spleen and stomach, 3 effective removing and purging method.%吴门、孟河医派源出江苏大地, 用药尤善轻灵, 后世医家继承并发扬吴孟轻灵之道并将其用于临床各科.皮肤疾患有别内科, 其病在表, 方亦不可杂, 药更不可烈, 处方用量宜轻不宜重, 轻扬宣散、质轻味薄之品更易于直达病所, 利于祛邪外达.吴门、孟河地区地处长江之滨, 得天独厚的地理气候提供了"轻灵"之法的自然条件, 传统中医文化的深厚底蕴奠定了其理论基础, 皮肤科自身临床专科特点确定了其现实意义.故通过分析探讨皮肤科用药轻灵形成依据, 旨在总结归纳其辨证细腻、用药和缓, 顾护脾胃、质和为要, 化泻法巧、力拨千斤等临证特点.



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