首页> 中文期刊> 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 >基于数据挖掘方法探讨徐浩教授治疗胸痹心痛处方用药规律




Objective To analyze professor Xu Hao's prescription regularity and to explore the characteristics of the experience on treat-ment of chest stuffiness and pains by using traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)Inheritance Auxiliary System (V2.5). Methods One hundred and twenty nine prescriptions of professor Xu Hao for treating cheststuffiness and Pains were selected and analyzed by using a variety of data mining methods such as drug frequency of usage statistics,analysis based on association rules,improved mutual information method,complex system entropy clustering and unsupervised hierarchical clustering entropy. Results Drug frequency of usage and association rules of professor Xu Hao’s prescriptions for treating chest stuffiness and pains were cleared.Based on pre-scription drugs frequency statistics in the top were:angelica sinensis,ligusticum wal ichi ,radix astragali,radix bupleuri,fushen,po-lygala root,radix clycyrrhizae,codonopsis pilosula. Based on prescription drug compatibility relations,prioritize,combination fre-quency of medicine on the top three were “angelica sinensis,ligusticum wal ichi”,“angelica sinensis,radix astragali”,“angelica sinensis,fushen”.Twenty four core combinations and sixteen new prescriptions were mined out. Conclusion The characteristics of professor Xu Hao in treatment of chest stuffiness and pains mainly are treatment based on qi and blood,heart nourishing and mind calming,using cold and heat simultaneously.%目的:利用“中医传承辅助系统(V2.5)”,分析徐浩教授治疗胸痹心痛的处方用药规律,探索其治疗胸痹心痛的经验特色。方法选取徐浩教授治疗胸痹心痛处方129首,通过用药频次统计、基于关联规则的分析、改进的互信息法、复杂系统熵聚类、无监督熵层次聚类等多种数据挖掘方法,对徐浩教授的胸痹心痛处方进行分析。结果徐浩教授治疗胸痹心痛处方中药物出现频次在前8位的分别为:当归、川芎、炙黄芪、柴胡、茯神、远志、炙甘草、党参;居于前3位的药对分别是“当归、川芎”、“当归、炙黄芪”、“当归、茯神”;基于熵聚类的药物关联度分析挖掘出“枳壳、延胡索、柴胡、桔梗”等24个核心组合和“连翘、三七粉、柴胡、郁金、桂枝”等16首新处方。结论徐浩教授治疗胸痹心痛以气血并治、形神兼顾、寒热并用为特色。



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