首页> 中文期刊> 《中国耳鼻咽喉颅底外科杂志》 >经岩骨入路手术中迷路保护的显微解剖学基础




目的为经岩骨入路手术中保护迷路提供显微解剖学资料。方法模拟幕上下联合经岩骨入路的手术操作,在手术显微镜下对10具(20侧)福尔马林固定的成人带颈头颅标本进行解剖,并观测骨迷路及其与重要结构间的解剖关系。结果骨迷路为一块包绕膜迷路的质地致密、色泽亮丽的骨质,并构成乳突气房的内侧边界。磨削骨半规管透过菲薄的骨质显示暗蓝色的膜半规管即为“蓝线”。测量骨迷路与周围结构的距离有较大的个体差异,其中后半规管至岩骨后表面的距离3.1mm±1.3mm,至乙状窦前缘的距离8.6mm±2.2mm;上半规管至岩骨上表面的距离1.5mm±0.7mm,总脚至岩骨后表面的距离3.4mm±1.4mm。根据乳突气房发育程度将乳突简单分为:①气化型;②非气化型。气化型乳突者迷路的确认及保护较为容易,反之则困难。结论经岩骨入路时,迷路在岩骨中的位置和乳突气化的程度是影响迷路保护的主要解剖学因素。一般而言,术中根据骨质的质地和色泽确认骨半规管并且不逾越“蓝线”对保护迷路的完整极为重要。%Objective To obtain more detailed anatomic information about the protection of the labyrinth with the transpetrosal approach.Methods Twenty sides of 10 adult cadaver heads fixed in formalin were used, the anatomy of the bony labyrinth and the relationship of the correlative structures were observed and measured, and meanwhile the actual surgical procedure was mimicked under the surgical microscope.Results The bony labyrinth was a compact and lustrous bone, which encircled the membranous labyrinth. The bony semicircular canal was drilled until it was so thin that the membranous canal was visible as blue color, called blue line. But this manipulation was more difficult in the bad pneumatized mastoid. There was significant variability in the morphometry of the adult temporal bone. The average overlying thickness of the bone overlying the posterior semicircular canal (PSC) was 3.1 mm±1.3 mm, and that of the bone overlying the superior semicircular canal (SSC) was 1.5 mm ±0.7 mm. The distance from the PSC to the sigmoid sinus was 8.6 mm±2.2 mm.Conclusion In order to keep the labyrinth intact, two criteria are important and should be taken into account . The first one is the deviation of the labyrinth location, which is so great that the labyrinth can not be precisely located during operation. The second one is the pneumatization of the mastoid; the more dense the boneis, the more difficult it is to expose the blue line. Recognizing the bony semicircular and never penetrating the blue line are important principles.



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