首页> 中文期刊> 《极地研究》 >极地浮游病毒的研究进展




A review of research into marine virioplankton in polar zones in China and abroad is presented in this paper.The effects of climate change and sea-ice melting on polar virus ecology,including impacts on the abundance and diversity of virioplankton,and the role of viruses in the carbon cycle in polar regions,are also discussed.Methods for investigating viral abundance,viral decay rate,viral production,and roles in bacterial mortality induced by viral lysis are examined in detail.Although studies of virus ecology are rare in China,much interrelated research has been conducted;for example,studies of primary production,bacterial production,and microbial food loop.Finally ,several questions about virus ecology in polar zones are raised and suggested aims for future research are presented.%对极地海洋病毒的国内外研究现状进行扼要阐述,尤其是海冰融化对病毒的生态影响.内容包括极地海域的浮游病毒丰度、多样性及在碳循环中的作用研究以及中国在极地科考中所进行的与浮游病毒相关的工作,并提出了今后在极地海域要解决的与病毒相关的科学问题.



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