首页> 中文期刊> 《中国病案》 >住院医师超声引导下区域神经阻滞技术的培训




With the development of ultrasonic technology and the prevalence of regional nerve blocks, it has become a necessary professional technique to use ultrasound in guiding peripheral nerve blocks currently. At present, however, the teaching program and faculty training of ultrasound-guided regional nerve blocks among the anesthesiology residency are scarce, which have not completely adapt to the development of the clinical anesthesia. In the article, a serious strict and orderly training scheme such as educational core courses, teaching constriction of staffs and the clinical rotation strategy et al. Have been discussed in order to find the effective teaching methods to meet the clinical anesthesiology work. Through the evaluation of the effect of the training scheme, it demonstrates that the teaching of ultrasound-guided regional nerve blocks among anesthesiology residency can meet the need of clinical practice of anesthesia.%随着超声医学和区域神经阻滞的广泛开展,借助超声设备进行区域神经阻滞具有安全、精确以及并发症少等优点,是近年来麻醉学专业人员必备的操作技术.目前,对麻醉住院医师进行超声辅助下区域神经阻滞技术培训的教学方案和培训实践还不完善,与目前的临床需要极不相称.通过分析目前区域神经阻滞麻醉培训现状,介绍制定超声引导下区域神经阻滞核心课程,教学人员组成,轮转培训机制和教学实践的实施,教学实践资料汇集等一系列严谨有序的培训方案,并结合培训效果评价,说明在麻醉住院医师中开展有效的超声辅助下区域神经阻滞技术培训可以提高区域阻滞麻醉操作技巧并满足临床需要.



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