首页> 中文期刊> 《教育研究》 >教育技术:研究进展及反思




With the emergence and prevalence of various new technologies and media, the educational technology research of recent years has a broader horizon and focuses on the important issues of education informatization and innovation. Through the literature analysis of articles of educational technology journals (2015-2017), results show the following advancements:theoretical studies of educational technology emphasize on both reflection and prospect;studies of strategy and practice for education informatization advance steadily;studies of digital learning resources and environments keep up with frontier educational ideas;studies of online learning and open education emphasize on efficiency and effectiveness;studies of the changes in learning styles and teaching models emphasize on learning process;studies of performance evaluation proceed on both macro and micro levels;studies to promote teacher professional development emphasize connotation and training. However, the research on educational technology is also faced with problems. There is a widespread piecemeal phenomenon, limited attention to the mechanism of action on the micro level, and insufficient attention to differences in the application context. These problems need to be paid attention to and solved.%随着各种新技术、新媒体的出现和普及,近几年教育技术研究视野更加开阔,继续围绕教育信息化和教育教学改革的重点、难点问题开展深入研究.通过对2015—2017年教育技术期刊文献进行分析,发现取得的主要研究进展如下:教育技术基础理论研究反思与展望并重,教育信息化发展战略与实践研究稳步推进,学习资源与环境建设紧贴教育理念前沿,在线学习和开放教育注重效益和效果,学习方式与教学模式变革研究关注学习过程,信息化环境下的绩效评价研究宏微观并重,信息技术促进教师专业发展研究关注内涵和培训.然而,教育技术研究也面临着零敲碎打的现象仍然普遍、对学习微观层面的作用机理关注有限、对应用语境的差异重视不足等问题,亟须引起重视并加以解决.



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