首页> 中文期刊> 《对外经贸》 >外贸转型升级背景下外贸企业出口转内销的路径选择




在后危机时代,出口转内销不仅成为我国外贸企业解决出口问题的重要举措,更是实现外贸转型升级和建立内外贸一体化的现代流通体系的客观要求。为减少外贸企业转向国内市场的阻力,中央及地方各级政府和有关部门出台了一系列的鼓励政策,并积极为企业搭建直销平台。但由于内外贸运营模式的不同,外贸企业在开拓内销市场时,存在着诸如销售渠道不畅、缺乏自主品牌和融资渠道、税务问题导致销售成本增加等障碍和壁垒。为实现内外贸融合,政府应打造良好的政策环境,帮助外贸企业拓展内销渠道,加大对打造自主品牌的政策扶持力度,切实解决外贸企业融资难等问题;外贸企业则要转变经营模式,内外贸兼举。%In the post -crisis era,domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports is not only an important meas-ure taken by foreign trade company to solve the export problem,but also a requirement for the transformation and upgrading of foreign trade and the realization of the integration of domestic trade and foreign trade.Due to the difference lying in the opera-tion mode of domestic and foreign trade,the foreign trade companies which promote the domestic sales are facing many challen-ges,such as the sales channels’deficiency,lack of own brand and financing and tax problems,all leading to the cost rising and sales barriers.To realize the integration of domestic and foreign trade,the government should create a good environment to help the foreign trade companies develop domestic sales channel ,provide support for building own trade mark,and solve the difficulties of foreign trade companies’financing.At the same time,foreign companies need to transform the operation mode and attach the equal importance to domestic trade and foreign trade.



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