首页> 中文期刊> 《公路工程》 >国家干线公路网监测与应急体系总体架构顶层设计




针对国家干线公路网监测与应急管理信息化建设协同性不高,信息共享、数据运用能力不足等问题,基于国外电子政务架构应用经验与我国业务现状分析,运用国际通行的企业架构理论,研究设计路网监测与应急体系的总体架构,包括业务架构、应用架构、数据架构、技术架构.路网监测与应急体系各个层次、构成关系的厘清,将为我国各级路网管理部门共同构建行业上下贯通、横向充分衔接、技术先进实用的全国路网监测与应急信息化体系提供技术指南.%To solve problems of the lack of information integration and coordination,the information exchange,the comprehensive utilization of data in the field of national trunk highway network monitoring and emergency system,this research firstly introduces the application experience of foreign E-government structure and the analysis of the domestic business status quo problems,then through the using of EA(Enterprise Architecture)theory,provides overall framework of the national trunk highway network monitoring and emergency system,which consists of business architecture,application architecture,data architecture and technology architecture.The studies of the internal contents and interrelations of the overall framework helps all the highway agencies to develop a more interoperable,more information shareability,more high technology national trunk highway network monitoring and emergency system.



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