首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >葛洪《肘后备急方》灸法学术特点探析




GE Hong is a famous medical experts in the Eastern Jin Dynasty,his most representative work is the Elbow Backup Emergency,it records lots of first-aid medicine prescriptions and it also has a unique view about the moxibustion. GE Hong has a detailed and completed thought about the moxibustion,there are mainly the following four aspects about his moxibustion:In the aspect of the principle of moxibustion,he emphasizes the treatment based on syndrome differentiation and using sequential method on moxibustion,he uses different moxibustion to treat different diseases and often chooses the top-down sequence. In the aspect of the trait of selecting acupoints,GE Hong only em-phasizes the sides and puts attention on the limbs. The accuracy and convenience of the acupoints are highlighted and the basic of the meridians are held. In the aspect of the operation of moxibustion,he applies the method of separated moxibustion and the Miu moxibustion to expand the types of moxibustion. In the aspect of the clinical application of moxibustion,he uses it for the department of emergency,internal medicine,surgery,gynaecology,paediatrics and male, and expands the category of moxibustion therapy. GE Hongˊs Elbow Backup Emergency provides a solid foundation for the development of moxibustion science in China.%葛洪是东晋著名医家,其著作中以《肘后备急方》最具代表性,书中除记载大量急救医方外,对灸法亦有着独特的见解。葛氏关于灸法内容的发挥详尽而完整,主要有以下特点:施灸原则上,强调辨证论治与顺序施灸相结合,不同病证采用不同的灸法,并且多选用自上而下的艾灸顺序。取穴特点上,有但言分寸与重视四末互为补充,既突出取穴的准确性与方便性,又抓住了经络的根本而施灸。操作方法上,葛氏独创性地提出隔物灸法与采用缪灸之法,扩大了灸法的种类。在临床应用上又将灸法用于急症与内、外、妇、儿、男等各科疾病,拓展了灸法治疗各科疾病的范畴,为我国灸疗学科的发展奠定了坚实的基础。



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