首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >三江平原佳木斯地区气温变化特征




[ Objective ] The aim was to study the change characteristics of temperature of Jiamusi region in Sanjiang Plain. [ Method ] Based on the temperature data of Jiamusi region in Sanjiang Plain from 1961 to 2010, including Jiamusi, Huanan, Fujin and Fuyuan station, we analysed the change trends, abrupt climate change and abnormal years of temperature in Jiamusi region. [ Result] The annual average temperature of Jiamusi region in Sanjiang Plain showed increasing trend, with the increase of 0. 249-0.412 ℃/10 a. The order of annual average temperature in each part was east > south > north > west. In addition, abrupt climate change of annual average temperature occurred in the early 1980s. Abrupt climate change of annual average temperature appeared in 1981 in Jiamusi, Huanan and Fujin,but in 1984 in Fuyuan. The annual average temperature in the mid-1960s and late 1960s was abnormally low in Jiamusi, Fujin and Huanan, while it was abnormally high in Huanan, Fuyuan and Jiamusi from 2007 to 2008,but Fujin in the early 1990s. Meanwhile, anomalies of seasonal average temperature in distinct regions appeared in various years. [ Conclusion ] The research could provide references for the prediction of temperature in Jiamusi of Sanjiang Plain in furture.%[目的]研究三江平原佳木斯地区气温变化特征.[方法]利用三江平原佳木斯地区佳木斯、桦南、富锦、扶远4站1961~2010年温度资料,分析了三江平原佳木斯地区的气温变化趋势、气候突变和异常年份.[结果]三江平原佳木斯地区年平均气温有明显的升高趋势,升幅为0.249 ~0.412℃/10 a,各地年平均气温上升幅度表现为东部>南部>北部>西部:年平均气温在20世纪80年代初发生了气候突变,佳木斯、桦南、富锦年平均气温在1981年发生气候突变,扶远在1984年出现气候突变;佳本斯、富锦、桦南年平均气温在20世纪60年代中期和后期异常偏低,桦南、扶远、佳木斯在2007~2008年异常偏暖,富锦在90年代初异常偏暖,各季平均气温异常在各地出现的年份不尽相同.[结论]该研究为今后三江平原佳木斯地区的气温预报提供了理论参考.



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