首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >新疆农业产业结构调整对农业经济增长的影响分析




实证分析了新疆农业内各部门对农业经济增长的贡献,以及这些部门的调整对农业经济增长的影响.结果表明,种植业的增长对新疆农业总产出增长的拉动能力最大,其次是牧业;种植业和畜牧业这2大生产部门的贡献率不仅表现出高频度的波动,还表现出反向波动;种植业部门调整产生的效应正逐步依次向牧业、林业和渔业扩散,但扩散的比较缓慢.并提出在“十二五”战略下进一步调整农业产业结构,促进新疆农业经济增长的对策建议:稳步调整,解决产业趋同,拓宽农民增收渠道;加强对农业产业结构调整的投入;坚持农业产业内部调整与外部调整相结合.%We conduct empirical analysis of the contribution of various sectors of agriculture in Xinjiang to agricultural economic growth, and the impact of adjustment of these sectors on agricultural economic growth. The results show that the growth of farming has the greatest force to drive the growth of total agricultural output in Xinjiang, followed by animal husbandry; the rate of contribution of these two production sectors, farming and animal husbandry, not only shows high-frequency, but also shows reverse fluctuation; the effect arising from adjustment of farming is gradually spreading to animal husbandry,forestry and fishery one by one,but the spreading rate is low. Finally the countermeasures and proposals are put forward to further adjust agricultural structure and promote agricultural economic growth of Xinjiang under the Twelfth Five-Year Plan as follows: adjust the industrial structure steadily, address the industry convergence and broaden the income-increase channels for the farmers; strengthen the input to adjustment of agricultural structure; stick to the combination of internal adjustment and external adjustment of agricultural industry.



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