首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >赣薯1号的特征特性及应用前景评价




[ Objective] The aim was to study the characteristics of Canshu No. 1 and application value in production. [ Method] Through field investigation, plot experiment, physicochemical determination, the botany characteristics, yield, quality and disease resistance of Ganshu No. 1 were analyzed. [ Result] Ganshu No. 1 was bred by sexual hybridization of Ning 98-P-8 and Sushu No. 9. There are 6 - 8 branches per plant of Ganshu No. 1, potato setting per plant is even and concentrated. Potato peel and flesh are purple. The yield of Ganshu No. 1 is stable and more than 9. 56% -11.87% compared with Ningzi No. 1, crude fiber is little, and is resistant against black spot, root rot, not resistant a-gainst stem nematode. [ Conclusion] The comprehensive traits of Ganshu No. 1 are good, which could be used as fresh food and food processing material, as well as parents for variety breeding.%[目的]研究赣薯1号的品种特征特性和生产中的应用价值.[方法]通过田间调查、小区试验、理化测定等方法对赣薯1号的植物学特征、产量、品质及抗病性进行分析.[结果]赣薯1号是利用紫心甘薯品系宁98-P-8与苏薯9号经过有性杂交选育而成的紫色特用型甘薯品种.该品种单株分枝6~8个,单株结薯整齐、集中,薯皮、薯肉均为紫色,抗黑斑病和根腐病,不抗茎线虫病,熟食质地细嫩,粗纤维少,产量表现稳定,较对照宁紫1号增产9.56%~11.87%.[结论]赣薯1号综合性状表现优良,可作为鲜食和食品加工原料,还可作为亲本进行品种选育.



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