首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >贵州省冰雹灾害气候特征及防御区划




[Objective] The aim was to study the climatic characteristics of hail disaster from 1984 to 2006 in Guizhou Province. [Method] By means of statistical analysis method, the climatic characteristics and disaster characteristics of hail from 1984 to 2006 in Guizhou Province were annalyzed and compared with previous results, then the classification standards of hail disaster were established, finally the defense zoning map of hail disaster in Guizhou Province was made. [ Result] According to the statistical analysis on historical data of hail disaster from 1984 to 2006, hail occurred 1 243 times in Guizhou in 23 years, that is, annual average frequency reached 54 times; annual average hailing days were 0.1 -2.7 d in various regions of Guizhou Province, and the average frequency of hail was 3.8 times during each hail process; the frequency of hail was 30 times in 52% years and 30 - 80 times in 35% years among 23 years. Hail appeared in the whole year, and 74% hails occurred in spring, while winter had the fewest times, which was consistent with the results of previous studies. Hail disaster mainly resulted in loss of life and direct economic loss, and was divided into three grades according to direct economic loss, namely Grade Ⅰ (extremely severe hail disaster) , Grade Ⅱ ( severe hail disaster) , Grade Ⅲ (comparatively severe hail disaster) and Grade Ⅳ ( medium hail disaster). The defense zoning map of hail disaster in Guizhou Province with three grades was obtained based on the frequency of hail and severe hail disaster, that is, the defense region at Grade I mainly distributed in Liupanshui City (in western Guizhou) and southern Guizhou; the defense region at Grade Ⅱ was in the west, south and northeast of Guizhou Province, while the rest belongs to Grade HI. [Conclusion] The study was of reference value for the defense of hail disaster in Guizhou Province.%[目的]研究1984 ~2006年贵州省冰雹灾害气候特征及防御区划.[方法]采用统计分析方法,分析了1984 ~2006年贵州省冰雹过程的气候特征和灾害特征,并与以前的结论作了比较,建立了冰雹灾害划分标准,绘制了贵州省冰雹灾害防御区划图.[结果] 1984~2006年灾情历史资料的统计分析发现,23年贵州省共出现1 243个冰雹站次,年平均约54站次,全省各地年平均降雹日数在0.1 ~2.7d,每次冰雹过程全省平均有3.8站次冰雹,52%的年度有30站次以下冰雹天气,35%的年度发生冰雹30~80站次;贵州省冰雹全年均可出现,74%出现在春季,最少的为冬季,该省为明显的春季降雹类型.这一结论与以往研究的结论基本一致.将冰雹灾害统计主要归纳为人员死亡情况和直接经济损失两类,并将一县(站)次冰雹过程按直接经济损失划分为Ⅰ级(特别重大冰雹灾害)、Ⅱ级(重大冰雹灾害)、Ⅲ级(较大冰雹灾害)、Ⅳ级(一般冰雹灾害).根据冰雹出现概率和重大冰雹灾害出现频数,绘制出贵州省冰雹灾害3级防御区划图,I级冰雹灾害防御区域主要在贵州省西部六盘水市、黔南地区,Ⅱ级冰雹灾害防御区主要在该省的西部、南部及东北部,省内其余区域为冰雹灾害Ⅲ级防御区.[结论]该研究为贵州省冰雹灾害的防御提供参考价值.



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