首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >县域旅游资源评价及开发对策——以陕西省柞水县为例




Taking the case of Zhashui County of Shaanxi Province,based on the introduction of basic condition of tourism resources and its distribution characteristics, clustering evaluation analysis was carried out for tourism resources of 13 townships of Zhashui County using fuzzy clustering analysis .established evaluation index. The results showed that the optimal clustering were 3 categories,including region A(Qianyou Town,Xialiang Town,Xiaoling Town,Fenghuang Town,Hongyansi Town,Caoping Town,Caiyuyao Town,Xinping Town,Chaizhuang Town,Wafangkou Town,Fei-beihe Town), region B ( Yingpan Town) and region C (Shiweng Town). The study indicated that the comprehensive quality of tourism resources in region C ranked first,region B was second only to region C,uneven distribution of the tourism resources of region A,and its supporting construction was behindhand. Aimed at the results, this paper put forward the corresponding countermeasures of development.%以陕西省柞水县为例,在介绍其旅游资源基本情况和旅游资源及其分布特征的基础上,构建评价指标体系,运用模糊聚类法对柞水县13个镇的旅游资源进行了聚类评价分析,并得出最佳聚类为3类,分为A区(乾佑镇、下梁镇、小岭镇、凤凰镇、红岩寺镇、曹坪镇、蔡玉窑镇、杏坪镇、柴庄镇、瓦房口镇、丰北河镇)、B区(营盘镇)和C区(石瓮镇).研究结果表明,C区的资源综合品质最高,其次为B区,而A区资源分布不均,配套建设落后.最后提出了相应的开发对策.



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