首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >康平县近50年热量资源趋势分析与农业可持续发展




[Objective]To study the trend of Kangping County Change heat resources for sustainable agricultural development based on the provision of climate.[Method] The linear least squares fitting and Escel procedures, changes of heat resource trends and differences were analyzed.[Result] The average temperature raised 1.6℃, ΣT ≥ 0℃ accumulated temperature increased 315℃, ΣT ≥ 10℃ accumulated temperature increased 280℃ in recent 50 years.Through the three "inflection point", temperature upward trend became significant from 1989.Temperature range was larger when in winter, more moderate in summer.[Conclusion] The changes in heat conditions, required the new integration of the agricultural structure,"the old agro-meteorological indicators"confirmed needing new research to adapt to the sustainable development of agriculture.%[目的]研究康平县热量资源变化趋势,为农业可持续发展提供气候依据.[方法]应用最小二乘法进行线性拟合及Excel程序,分析热量资源趋势变化及差异.[结果]在近50年里,平均气温升高1.6 ℃,∑T≥0 ℃积温增加了315 ℃,∑T≥10 ℃积温增加了280 ℃.50年经历3个温度"拐点",从1989年后温度上升趋势明显.冬半年气温升高幅度较大,夏半年气温升高较缓.[结论]热量条件的改变,农业结构需要重新整合,"陈旧的农业气象指标"需要重新确认研究,才能适应农业的可持续发展.



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