首页> 中文期刊> 《白求恩军医学院学报》 >半导体激光辅助 Fisch 人工镫骨技术治疗耳硬化症效果观察

半导体激光辅助 Fisch 人工镫骨技术治疗耳硬化症效果观察



Objective To analyze the auxiliary artificial stapes technique in the treatment of otosclerosis.Methods Thirty patients with otosclerosis admitted to our hospital in this study,all patients were treated with semiconductor laser assisted he artificial stapes.Results None of 30 cases showed dislocation of stapes footplate sinking or floating,hypacusis or anakusis didn’t occur.After 6 months,the air conduction threshold,air-bone gap were significantly lower than those before surgery(P <0.01).Conclusion Semicon-ductor laser assisted Fischstapedotomy technology is a reliable technique for the treatment of otosclerosis,and especially for stapes foot-plate that fixed lightly,it can avoid stapes footplate floating.%目的:分析应用半导体激光辅助 Fisch 人工镫骨技术治疗耳硬化症的临床效果。方法选取30例耳硬化症患者为研究对象,均接受半导体激光辅助 Fisch 人工镫骨技术治疗。结果30例(耳)中无一例出现足板浮动脱位下沉或脱出,术后未出现听觉减退或缺失症状。术后6个月听力复查,30例患者气骨导差和气导听阈均低于术前(P <0.01)。结论半导体激光辅助 Fisch 人工镫骨技术是治疗耳硬化症的可靠技术,效果显著,安全性高,术后反应轻微,尤其用于固定较轻的足板可避免足板浮动是其突出的优点。



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