首页> 中文期刊> 《灾害学》 >华北地区冬小麦干旱受灾率多尺度分析




以华北区域内56个气象站历年逐日降水量资料、冬小麦发育期资料以及产量资料为数据支撑,研究华北地区冬小麦干旱等级指标,并在此基础上分析不同等级干旱受灾范围变化的周期性振荡特征.首先,分析冬小麦干旱指标距平与相对气象产量间的关系,然后,制作指标距平与相对气象产量相关性大小的分布格局图,进而,根据冬小麦干旱指标负距平与减产率间的关系,确定了冬小麦干旱等级指标,最后,基于灾损不同等级干旱受灾率进行小波分析.%The north China region is one of the most important agricultural regions in China.Based on winter wheat growth and yield data and daily precipitation data obtained from 56 stations in north China, the level of drought indicators and periodic variation characteristics of the disaster area with different levels of drought are analyzed.Firstly, the correlations between anomaly of winter wheat drought indices and relative meteorological yield are analyzed.Secondly, the distribution map of the degree of correlation is worked out.Then, according to the relationships between negative anomaly of drought indices of winter wheat and the rate of output reduction, drought grade standards of winter wheat are defined.Finally, different rates of drought disaster loss are studied by wavelet analysis.



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