首页> 中文期刊> 《福建金融管理干部学院学报》 >小型家族企业融资渠道选择的影响因素探析——以三明地区为例




Family enterprises especially the small family businesses play great role in the development of national economy and upgrading of the industrial structure but meanwhile they are facing financing difficulties. An empirical analysis of influential factors in financing channels selection of small family businesses is based on the survey of small family businesses financing conditions of Jinjiang.The result shows that the key factor to influence financing options is bank lending policies and lending rates, business growth, preferences of family independence, family benefit as well as business scale.Finally, the countermeasures are put forward to change the current financing situation of the small family businesses in this paper.%小型家族企业在促进我国国民经济发展的同时也面临着融资难的问题.本文通过对三明地区小型家族企业融资情况进行调查,实证分析影响小型家族企业融资渠道选择的因素.结果表明:银行贷款政策及贷款利率、企业成长性、家族独立性偏好、家族利益和企业规模是影响企业融资选择的关键因素.最后本文提出改变当前小型家族企业融资现状的对策建议.



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