首页> 中文期刊> 《河南科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 >近十年我国远程教育模式研究述评




Over the past decade,the research on Distance Education Mode in China.Mainly focused on the study of the participants,the operation mechanism,management evaluation,etc.In terms of the participants,it's reflected in the discussions of teachers,students and managers.In terms of operational mechanisms,it's reflected in the study of teaching mechanism,learning mechanism and feedback mechanism.In terms of management evaluation,it involves three stages of analysis:earlier,middle and late stages.As for the existing shortcomings,first is that the academic vision should broadened,while the theoretical methods need to be deepened;second is lack of overall control and innovative case study;third is too simple research perspective with inadequate cross-disciplines research.The key to perfect Chinese distance education mode is solving these problems step by step.%近十年来,我国远程教育模式的研究主要集中于对参与人员的研究、运作机制的研究和管理评价的研究等方面.在参与人员方面,表现在对教师、学生和管理者的探讨;在运作机制方面,体现在对教学机制、学习机制和反馈机制的探讨;在管理评价方面,涉及前期、中期和后期三个阶段的分析.不足之处在于:一是学术视野有待拓宽,理论方法仍需深化;二是整体把握用力不足,个案研究缺乏创新;三是研究视角略显单一,学科交叉运用不够.这些问题的逐步解决是我国远程教育模式研究走向深入的关键.



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