首页> 中文期刊> 《衡水学院学报》 >20世纪德国的兴衰对中国的启示




20世纪德国的发展轨迹极为典型。自从1871年俾斯麦统一德国后,德国借着国家统一和两次工业革命的东风,迅速崛起,一跃成为当时的资本主义强国之一。随后德国相继经历了战争、战败、再复兴、再挑起战争、再战败。在二战后,德国终于跳出战争怪圈,与其欧洲邻国启动欧洲一体化进程,成就了今天德国的大国地位。德国的发展特别是二战后再度迅速崛起有许多值得中国借鉴的地方,尤其在崛起方式、统一问题、外交选择和文化实力等方面。%The developing track of German is a typical one in the 20th century. After Bismarck unified German in 1871, it became one of the strongest capitalist countries by means of its unification and the two industrial revolutions. Then German experienced the World War I, being defeated and its renaissance. And then it provoked the World War II and was defeated again. After World War II, German finally jumped out of the vicious circle of war and with its neighbor countries promoted the development of European Integration, and achieved its status of great power today. German’s development, especially which after World War II, its developing track has great reference value to China, especially in the way of rising, unification, diplomacy and cultural power.



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