首页> 中文期刊> 《绵阳师范学院学报》 >基于兴趣激发的幼儿英语学习平台的研究与实践--以湖南省内幼儿园为例




There springs up a tide of English education for kids in China,but its situation is less than satisfac-tory owing to an important factor of kids' inactive learning interest. Obviously,the first job to do is to arouse kids' English learning interest as it is the best teacher. This paper introduces,based on investigation among English teachers,kids and parents of 12 kindergartens in Changsha,Miluo and Yongzhou,Hunan Province,by question-naire and interviewing,the analysis of its present situation,exploration of affecting factors,and some effective methods for arousing interest. The results show,promoting teachers'image and laying emphasis on their personality and manners,abounding the contents of courses,adopting modern teaching methods and approaches,participating with foreign teachers and parents,and kids' self - confidence and correct attitudes towards success or failure,will be significant to arouse kids' learning interest.%近年来我国幼儿英语教育蓬勃兴起,然而幼儿英语教育现状不尽人意,其中一个重要的原因是幼儿学习英语的兴趣不高。而兴趣是最好的老师,可见,幼儿英语教学的首要目标应是培养幼儿英语学习的兴趣。本研究采用问卷调查法、访谈法对湖南省长沙市、汨罗市和永州市的十二所幼儿园教师、学生和家长三个层面进行调查,分析幼儿英语学习的现状,探索影响幼儿英语学习兴趣的主要因子,研究激发幼儿英语学习兴趣的有效路径。研究发现:提升教师的形象,注重教师的性格、态度,丰富教学内容,采用现代的教学手段、教学方式,外教、家长的参与以及学生的自信心和对成败的正确归因都是激发幼儿英语学习兴趣的关键。



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