首页> 中文期刊> 《绵阳师范学院学报》 >马克思主义后殖民理论视野下的族群身份与文学镜像




The mainstream opinion of post - colonialist criticism has emphasized the way of cultural analysis when it criticizes colonialism and its bad sequel, and the insight has earned it a reputation in academia. However, some Marxist theorists have recently pointed out that the post- colonialist criticism which is inclined to the cultural -centralism has ignored the essential relationship between colonialist politics and capitalism expansion. Marists think that the blind spot is fatal, because it is the globalization of capitalism that leads to the ethnic politics and western - centralism. Therefore, in order to correct the orientation of post - colonialist criticism, some Marxists are developing a different postcolonial theory, which returns to the classical Marxism mode to understand the essence of colonialism and its cultural products.%20世纪后半期兴起的后殖民主义批评着重从文化层面去分析和批判西方殖民历史及其延续至今的影响,极具洞察力,但其文化主义倾向导致了对种族政治与资本主义扩张之本质关系的忽视。马克思主义的后殖民理论因此对之进行了再批判,在当代语境下重新回到经典马克思主义的政治经济学分析模式,指出资本主义的全球扩张才是产生种族政治和西方中心主义的根本原因。



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