首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >成功老龄化:理论、研究与未来展望




随着人口预期寿命的延长及全球老龄化进程的加剧,如何促进老年人实现成功老龄化成为国内外学界及政策制定者所共同关注的重要议题.成功老龄化这一概念是由哈维伯斯特于1961年提出;1987年,约翰·罗和罗伯特·卡恩的成功老龄化理论将老龄化研究从疾病与衰减范式转变为健康与成长范式.在50多年的研究历程中,学术界形成了以下三种研究取向:即生物医学模式、心理社会模式以及生物心理社会模式,其研究议题和研究范畴也经历了从生物本质论到社会建构论、从客位视角到主位视角、从专家认知到常人认知、从健康老人到失能和困境老人的转变.未来的成功老龄化研究应重点致力于个体层面成功老龄化理论的完善和深化与研究方法论的变革,包括运用交错性范式与多元方法探讨不同性别、种族/民族、年龄、阶层、能力等多元老年群体经验,注重量化与质化研究、客位研究与主位研究的整合,使用生命历程理论探讨成功老龄化的动态发展历程;另一方面,应加强社会层面成功老龄化的研究,促进个体层面和社会层面的结合,从而推动我国成功老龄化研究的发展.%With the prolonged life expectancy and the rapid population aging worldwide,how to promote successful aging has been a focus for researchers and policymakers. Since the MacArthur model of successful aging,described by John Rowe and Robert Kahn in 1987,transformed the study of aging from a discipline focusing on disease and decline to one emphasizing health and growth,thousands of conceptual and empirical studies have struggled to explain what successful aging is and how best to achieve it. Over the past 50 years, definitions of successful aging have stimulated research on biomedical,psychosocial,and biopsychosocial models of aging;and research paradigms have been undergoing shifts from essentialism to social constructionism,from etic to emic approach,and from healthy seniors to older adults with physical limitations. Future studies should focus on theoretical refinement and methodological innovations,including emphasis on the successful aging's relevance to more diverse populations,incorporation of the etic and emic approaches, combination of quantitative and qualitative methods,self-report and externally measurable criteria,appreciation of the longitudinal designs and life-course approach,and integration of individual and societal levels. All this can help promote the development of successful aging research in China.



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