首页> 中文期刊> 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 >从文化诘难到制度反思--清代《论语》诠释发展进程论




The interpretation of The Analects of Confucius in the Qing Dynasty presented a constantly changing and colorful picture along with the interaction between the evolution of Confucian classics and social changes,academic changes as well as cultural development. In the early cultural reflection wave,the idea of“return to the ancients steadily”contributed to the prosperity of the textology,and also provided the later reflection on the social and political systems with the theoretical basis. The in-termittent and disjointed process of the interpretation of The Analects in the Qing dynasty clearly shows that the academic development not only has its own unique rules to follow,but also is firmly connected with the social development and national destiny,which is of great reference value to the present cul-tural development and system construction.%清代《论语》诠释在经学发展与社会变迁、学术嬗变与文化推演的互动建构中,跌宕起伏、气象纷呈。清初之《论语》诠释在诘难宋学空疏、批判王学狂禅、申讨佛老杂糅三个层面展开。至晚清,则转型为变法改制的呼唤、腐朽制度的抨击、西方制度的移植三个方面。清中期之《论语》诠释看似与前后疏离,实有内在关联。其在初期文化反思的浪潮中“节节复古”,促成了考据学的繁盛,又为后期的制度反思提供了学理依据。清代《论语》诠释的断续裂变过程,充分说明学术发展既有自身的独特规律,又与社会发展、民族命运紧密联系。其对当下文化发展及制度建设具有借鉴意义。



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