首页> 中文期刊> 《南京人口管理干部学院学报》 >城市化进程中首都流动人口变动的新特点与问题




城市化带来的区域及城乡发展不平衡加速了人口大规模流动,北京凭借其优越的区位条件和丰富的公共资源成为流动人口的重要聚集地。结合2012年北京市计生委流动人口抽样调查以及北京市五普、六普数据,从全国城市化发展阶段的角度探究城市化给首都流动人口发展带来的新变化。研究发现,首都的快速发展增加了对青壮年劳动力的需求,促使流动人口规模增长,但增速趋于减缓;同时首都流动人口的分布呈郊区化态势且趋向均衡;流动人口女性化趋势显现,但流动人口职业阶层较低。%Unbalanced development between urban and rural areas has accelerated the large -scale population flow, and Beijing has made itself naturally an important hub of the floating population be-cause its superior geographical conditions and rich public resources. The paper based on the floating population sampling survey conducted by Beijing PFP commission in 2012 and the data of the fifth and sixth census, general data in Beijing, explored the new change of the capital development of floating population brought by the urbanization from the angle of the national urbanization development stage. The study found that the rapid development of the capital increased the demand for young adults, which led to the scale of the floating population expanding, but the increase speed was slowing down. At the same time, the capital floating population distribution was suburbanized and tended to be equi-librized; the population became feminized, but vocational level was rather low.



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