


MA Yu, with the literary names of Xinghe ( Zi) and Zhanxuan ( Hao) respectively, was a number one imperial scholar in the second year of Xuande , Ming Dynasty.In the second year of Zhengtong , he was raised to Cidu Xueshi (a scholar in charge of accompanying the emperor or princes in study ) .In the third year of Zhengtong , he was raised to Cijiang Xueshi ( a scholar in charge of imperial historical records ) , after finishing his book Historical Records of Emperor Xuanzong.In the fifth year of Zhengtong, he took office in the Cabinet , under the recommendation of YANG Shi -qi.In the tenth year of Zhengtong , he was further raised to junior assistant minister of Royal Rites Ministry .He left behind a book entitled Selected Works of Zhanxuan.His contacts with social elites of that period of time , mostly with Southern Zhili scholars , and their political and social relationships can be outlined though his poems , for it provides valuable clues for us to know more about these scholars .%马愉,字性和,号澹轩,明宣德二年状元。正统二年,升侍读学士。正统三年,与修《宣宗实录》成,升侍讲学士。正统五年,由杨士奇荐,入阁预机务。正统十年,升礼部右侍郎。有《澹轩集》传世。今据其所存诗文,勾勒其与南直隶士人的交往,以见当日政坛精英之间的关系之一斑,并为人们了解这些士人提供一点可资参考的资料。



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