首页> 中文期刊> 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >解构脆弱的道德主题--重读亨利·詹姆斯的短篇小说《赝品》




For a long time, we researchers have been focusing on and starting with the morality of Henry James’s works. But with the appearance of deconstruction in the western world around the 1970s, all the fixed hierarchical structures based on the binary opposition were questioned and subverted. What’ s more, thanks to the concept of differance, literary works welcomed the indeterminacy and multiple interpretations in textual meanings. It is enlightened by the deconstructive direction of literary criticism that the study of short story Paste subverted the moral standard on the basis of binary opposition, restored the multidimen-sional image of characters and provoked the multiple quest of the theme and widen the artistic horizon of readers.%长期以来,对亨利·詹姆斯作品中道德主题的研究是我辈学人的聚焦点和出发点。但是到了20世纪70年代,随着西方解构主义思潮的出现,一切建立在二元对立基础之上的固定的等级结构遭到质疑和颠覆。在解构主义文学研究方法的启发下,小说《赝品》的研究颠覆了原来二元对立的道德评判,恢复了小说人物丰富的多维的形象,展开了小说主题的多重追问,拓宽了读者的艺术视野。



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