首页> 中文期刊> 《西安文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 >从人物塑造看《聊斋志异》的情趣生成




情趣是《聊斋志异》中极具魅力的艺术特质,是小说艺术价值的重要一环。小说中情趣的生成有着多方面的因素,人物塑造是这些因素中最为重要的一面。作者赋予小说中人物鲜明的个性,男子多风流倜傥,女子多温柔多情。又使其拥有美丽的外表,兼具独特的才艺,促进了情趣的产生。文本中的男子多为书生,女子多为花鬼狐妖,为情趣的产生提供了必要的基础和有利的条件。作者在男女间构架出多样而新颖的人物关系,使得小说的情趣十分新颖独特。%In A Collection of Bizarre Stories, the generation of interest is a fascinating artistic feature and an impor- tant link concerning the artistic value of novels. Many reasons account for it, among which character development is the most important one. Its writer, Pu Song - ling created each character with a distinct personality, with males having elegant bearing, females being, gentle and affectionate, and each having a good look and unique talents, leading to the generation of interest. Most of the male characters in the novel are scholars while most of the female ones are ghosts and foxes, having provided the generation of interest with necessary basis and favorable conditions. Pu Song - ling interested his readers with much newness and uniqueness by forging diversified and peculiar relation- ships between man and woman.



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