


As a representative figure of legalism, Shang Yang carried out a political reform to empower the Qin Dynasty and laid a good foundation for the later unity of ancient China, so he played a pivotal role in the history of China. There have been a lot of researches on his ideas, policies and works, which showed a widely difference in his personal image. Generally, the negative comments on him followed the records of Shiji, a Chinese historical record, in which the negative comments on ShangYang, however, were not totally based on the historical facts, but influenced by the time, academic points and class stands. The different historical images of Shang Yang were always accompanied by the rise and fall of the revolution, which is an interesting history phenomenon worth studying.%商鞅作为法家代表人物之一,变法强秦,为日后秦的统一奠定了基础,在中国历史上可谓是举足轻重的人物。学界对他的思想、政策和作品都有许多研究和探讨。自古以来,人们对其个人形象评价迥异,负面评价多沿用《史记》中的记载,然而《史记》中关于商鞅非正面的评价,并不全出于对于史实而得出的结论,而是有时代、学术观点以及阶级立场等因素的影响。这些影响存留于史书与学术著作中,便形成了一个历史上“污名化”的商鞅。历史上商鞅形象的流变往复,常与治乱兴亡相伴,倒是一个有趣的历史学现象。



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