首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >胡斌名老中医治疗慢性胃炎用药规律分析




[Objective] To analyze the prescriptions of HU Bin's famous Chinese medicine in treating chronic gastritis based on the software of the platform of traditional Chinese medicine transmission auxiliary platform.[Methods] The recipes of chronic gastritis were collected and the data were collected by software.The prescriptions were analyzed by the method of data mining.[Results] The statistical data showed that there were 1522 prescriptions for the treatment of chronic gastritis.The most commonly used drugs were Magnolia officinalis,Fried Coptis chinensis,Cuttlefish bone,Codonopsis,Amomum villosum,Ginger,Pinellia,Hibiscus leaves,August Dried ginger,fried Coptis;ginger Pinellia,berberine,etc.,the core prescription for the addition and subtraction of Banxia Xiexin Decoction.[Conclusion] HU Lao's treatment of chronic gastritis focuses on qi and dampness,soothing liver and invigorating the spleen.The application of data mining method is of great value for mining clinical experience of old TCM.%[目的]基于中医传承辅助平台系统软件,分析胡斌名老中医治疗慢性胃炎的组方用药规律.[方法]收集胡老治疗慢性胃炎处方,逐一录入中医传承辅助平台,采用软件集成的数据挖掘方法,对筛选出的方剂进行组方规律分析.[结果]统计资料显示,胡老治疗慢性胃炎的方剂1522首,涉及中药128味,最常用的药物有制厚朴、炒黄连、乌贼骨、党参、砂仁、干姜、姜半夏、芙蓉叶、八月扎等,常用的药对组合厚朴-乌贼骨、厚朴-炒黄连、乌贼骨-炒黄连、干姜-炒黄连、姜半夏-黄连等,核心处方为半夏泻心汤加减.[结论]胡斌名老中医治疗慢性胃炎重在理气燥湿、疏肝健脾.数据挖掘法的应用对于挖掘名老中医临床经验具有重要的价值.



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