首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >基于数据挖掘技术的俞景茂教授诊治小儿遗尿的规律研究




[目的]探讨俞景茂教授治疗小儿遗尿的诊疗规律和学术经验。[方法]收集俞景茂教授诊治小儿遗尿的门诊病案,利用 EpiData软件建设病案数据库,采用Clementine12.0,运用关联规则Apriori算法对症候和药物出现的频次,以及药物之间的相互关联性进行统计分析,并结合临床实践,分析并总结俞景茂教授治疗小儿遗尿的诊治规律。[结果]统计分析显示舌淡红、夜尿不约、眠深难醒等十项症候为高频症候,炙甘草、菟丝子、巴戟天等二十味药物为高频药物,菟丝子、黄芪、白术、巴戟天等九味药物为核心药物,提示俞景茂教授在诊治小儿遗尿中重在补肾、健脾和开窍。[结论]通过数据挖掘方法,有效总结了俞景茂教授在小儿遗尿方面的诊疗思路和临床经验,该方法的应用对于挖掘名老中医临床经验具有重要的价值。%Objective] To investigate professor Yu Jingmao’s medication rules and clinical experience for treating childhood enuresis. [Methods] Outpatient prescriptions of treating childhood enuresis were collected and database was established relying on Software EpiData. The usage frequency of drug, syndrome manifestations and the correlations between them were analyzed by using clementine 12.0 software and association rules, such as Apriori. Also, clinical experience was taken into consideration to analyse characteristic in treating childhood enuresis. [Results] Ten syndrome manifestations are frequently existed, for example, pink tongue, childhood enuresis and hard to awake. Twenty herbs are frequently existed, for example, Zhi-gancao, Tu-sizi and Ba-jitian. There are nine core herbs, like Tu-sizi, Huang-qi, Bai-shu and Ba-jitian. Professor Yu Jingmao prefers to tonify kidney and spleen and wake up from sleep in treatment.[Conclusion]The experience for treating childhood enuresis of professor Yu Jingmao is concluded according to data mining. And it can be used to analyze old TCM doctors’ clinical experience.



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