首页> 中文期刊> 《语言科学》 >等韵发音部位认知探源




Generally speaking,there are five places of articulation of Dengyun Xue (Synchronous Chinese Phonology):labial,tongue,velar,dental and larynx.Through an investigation the Chinese literature before late the Tang Dynasty,we found that the Chinese understanding of the place of artic-ulation had undergone a tortuous and complicated process.Under the influence of the Sanskrit Sid-dham Chapter,such knowledge has become more mature than ever.Before the Wei and Jin Dynas-ties,Chinese didn’t have the complete concept of Wuyin (Five Places of Articulation).The advent and prosperity of Siddhirastu has gradually enhanced the understanding of places of articulation of Chi-nese phonology.The distribution pattern of the Siddham Chapter was borrowed into the analysis of Wuyin.An analytical system of Chinese phonology according to this pattern was established ever since resulting in the embryonic form of the Rhyme Table.The Dengyun Xue has made great innovations in the process of adopting the principles of the Siddham Chapter rather than a mere replication of its pat-terns.%等韵学上的发音部位一般是指唇舌牙齿喉五个,通过考察唐末以前的汉文文献,可知汉人对发音部位的认知过程颇为曲折复杂。它是在梵文悉昙章的启发下发展成熟的。魏晋以前,汉语还没有完整的五音概念,随着悉昙学的兴起与繁荣,人们对汉语发音部位的认识逐渐清晰,并借用了悉昙章的五音分布模式,建立起汉语五音的分析体系,有了等韵图的雏形。同时,等韵在吸收悉昙章的过程中,并不是一味地照搬照抄,而是根据汉语自身的特点做了较大的创新。



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