首页> 中文期刊> 《现代城市研究》 >《新城市议程》:通向未来可持续发展的城市化行动纲领--联合国住房与可持续城市发展大会(人居三)综述




The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development(Habitat III) was held in October 2016 in Quito, Ecuador, and adopted the New Urban Agenda. Urbanization is an unprecedented challenge, and it is necessary to ifnd a way of ensuring the sustainability of growth. The New Urban Agenda is an inclusive, action-oriented, and concise document intended to guide the next twenty years of sustainable and transformative urban development worldwide. It has a strong focus on the inclusion and participation of stakeholder groups, civil society, and grassroots organizations.%联合国住房与可持续城市发展大会于2016年10月在厄瓜多尔首都基多召开,并通过了《新城市议程》。全球城市化是前所未有的挑战,有必要找到一条确保可持续发展的路径。《新城市议程》是一个包容性的、注重行动的纲领,它旨在指导未来20年全球的可持续发展和城市转型发展。它更加强调包容性和利益相关群体、私营部门、民间团体等社会各界的参与性。



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