首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >不做“教书匠” 但为“育才人”——例谈在数学教学中如何创造性地使用教材

不做“教书匠” 但为“育才人”——例谈在数学教学中如何创造性地使用教材



Teaching material is the main teaching resource and important carrier realizing the teaching plan, and it is also the intermediary of teachers and students. However, the content of teaching material is just one part of teaching content. Although the compilers of teaching materials obey basic principles and make them scientific, the teaching materials still cannot meet every student's requirements due to some objective conditions. In the meantime of respecting the present teaching material, we should also understand it, so as to creatively utilize it.%教材是教师实施教学的主要资源,是实现教学计划的重要载体,是师生双方教与学的中介。然而教材内容仅仅只是教学内容的一个组成部分,并不是全部。虽然教材编写者遵循教材编写的基本原理,力求符合小学生的年龄特征、认识水平和接受能力,深入浅出、螺旋递进地构建教材体系,但还是会受到一些客观条件的限制,无法完全满足现实中的每个学生的需要。我们是应该尊重现有教材,然而更应该读懂教材,读透教材,创造性地使用教材。



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