


The revenge of Lin Chong, taken in front of the Temple of Mountain Deity, was a revenge taken in a dead-end street, and it was related to the past and present enmity.This revenge can only be regarded as"partial revenge", because he killed Lu Qian and Fu An, but did not kill Gao Qiu and Gao Yanei.In the antagonism between Gao Qiu and him, even if the evil took over the righteous for some time, the latter could fight back later.After Fu An and Lu Qian used such trickery that Lin Chong′s wife was almost seduced, if he could be fully aware of the potential danger of his situation, leaving away with his wife would be a better choice.When Gao Qiu sent for him to have a competition with their treasured swords, he should refuse repeatedly to avoid disaster.However, whether or not he could avoid disaster, would not change his destiny of going to Liangshan.Lin Chong′s killing Wang Lun, can be regarded as his initiation to Chao Gai and his con-federates, and he dedicated the head of Wang Lun to gain their trust.His proposal that Chao Gai should become the chief of the fortress can be reckoned as another kind of"initiation".%林冲在山神庙前的复仇,是绝路上的复仇,新仇旧恨齐报。这种复仇仅能算“部分复仇”,他杀掉陆谦与富安等,却未能除去高俅与高衙内。在他与高俅等人的对立中,即便邪一时能胜正,其后正也能对邪予以回击。富安与陆谦设局差点导致林冲娘子受辱后,如果他充分意识到处境中的潜在危险,与妻子避祸远走是一种可考虑的选择。而当高俅派人提出与他比看宝刀时,他应再三推拒,方为避祸之道。不过他能否在一时间内避祸,应不会改变其上梁山的结局。林冲杀王伦,可以算是给晁盖等人的“投名状”,以王伦的头取得他们的信任。他当众提出让晁盖坐第一把交椅,则可以说是另一种“投名状”。



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