


社会领域也存在某种惯性趋势,即社会趋稳性。这一概念的提出旨在说明,一切不稳定的产生,必定是受到某种作用力的结果。而社会趋稳性与变动力量的结合,便会造成不同程度的反作用力。这种反弹行为在实践中很容易被界定为"不稳定因素"。由于维稳的主客体都是人,而"人是需求动物",所以,维稳的具体政策若不能够融入人的思考、理解及感情,将很难实现人际有效的沟通,进而妨碍动态稳定的实现。以组织平衡理论、需求层次理论、安全阀理论及组织学习理论为基础的双回路维稳模型的提出,旨在强调人类需求、基本秩序以及自然法则在维稳中的关键作用。%Social stability is of essential value for the mass people,hence the necessity of highlighting stability in political sense and paying adequate attention to the approaches to stability maintenance in administrative sense. Centered on the latter, the article first expounds the concept of social stability inertia which would remain the original state until impacted by any exterior changing forces. Based on such an assumption, the article goes on to dwell upon the two dimensions of the task of stability maintenance,i, e. , the stability as an end and the maintenance as a means. Then, the article makes an analysis into the causes for instability as well as for stability before it arrives at somewhat general stability - maintenance model characterized by double loops ,which attaches importance to human needs, fundamental order and natural law in stabilizing administration in addition to the written rules.



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