首页> 中文期刊> 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 >试论史学界的“炒古”现象——从《华夏探源》说起




The purpose for the study of historiography is to investigate into the truth of history, rather than seek worldly fame. In recent years,the question of the source of Chinese nation has been a hot issue in the study of historiography; there are a host of scholars having made painstaking efforts and achieved a lot in this regard. However, the blind trend of believing and turning back to the ancients, some people uttering some remarks without scientific evidence, and the blind hyping-up of the media lead the historiographic study astray. It is no surprising and a good case in point that the book entitled Tracing the Source of Cathay, in which some Confusing ideas are put forward and there are not a few elementary mistakes oc- curred, can get published and be highly recommended by the media. Therefore,in order to hurb this phenomenon of hyping- up the ancients and to get the historiographic study back to the right track, all parties including our government, historiogra- phers and journalists are suppesed to shoulder their respective responsibilies and make efforts together.%史学研究的目的是探究历史的真面目,而不是为了世俗名利。近年来,中华民族的源头问题是史学研究的热门话题,许多学者进行了艰苦的研究,并取得了重大成果。然而,有人盲目信古、复古,发表没有科学根据的言论,再加上媒体盲目的炒作,使史学研究走入歧途。《华夏探源》一书提出了许多令人费解的所谓“新观点”,出现了很多常识性的错误,但还能顺利出版,并得到媒体的大力推荐,这是作为“史学工作者”和新闻工作者缺乏史德、盲目“炒古”的表现。为了制止“炒古”现象,使史学研究走向正轨,需要国家、史学研究者和新闻工作者共同努力承担起各自的责任。



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