首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >长作业线水上桩基施工泥浆循环方法研究




随着我国桥梁设计及施工工艺的快速发展,水上大桥、特大桥也越来越多.对于长作业线水上桩基施工,国内经常利用筑岛围堰和搭设钢平台来辅助施工.当需泥浆护壁、循环的水上桩基施工时,如遇到水中作业点距岸边较远、水上交通不便等情况时,在环保的要求下,泥浆池设置与钻渣倒运是一项困扰水上桩基施工速度与经济性的难题.文章结合大冶湖大桥水上桩基施工实例,对水上桩基冲击钻施工使用双护筒泥浆循环方法进行研究,进而实现经济、快速的泥浆池设置及钻渣倒运,并为同类工程施工提供参考依据.本文围绕研究的提出、原理的分析、现场的施工、效益证明进行论述.%With the rapid development of China's bridge design and construction technology, the major bridge and the super majro bridge above water are increasing. For water pile foundation construction above water in a long line, the island cofferdam and steel platform are always used to assist construction at home. When taking pile foundation construction above water needing slurry wall protection and mud circulation, if the underwater operating point is far away from the shoreside and the water traffic is inconvenience, under the requirements of the environmental protection, mud pool setting and slag transportation is a problem of the speed and economy of the pile foundation. According to Daye Lake Bridge pile foundation construction above water, the method of double tube for mud circulation used in the pile foundation drilling construction above water was studied, so as to realize the economic and quick setting of mud pool and slag transporting, which has provided reference for similar engineering construction.



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