首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >项目课程模式下商务英语翻译教学改革




项目课程模式的目标是提高职业教育质量,提升学生职业能力,满足企业对职业技能型人才的要求。将传统的学科体系课程中的知识内容转化为若干个教学项目,围绕职业工作内容创设交际情境,借助模拟的工作任务来展开教学过程,给学生机会实际运用输入的语言技能和专业知识,让学生在学中做,做中学的一种教学方法。这种“通过语言做事”的方法有助于将商务英语翻译技能与商务英语专业知识相融合,提高教学效果。本文通过分析当前高职院校商务英语翻译教学现状提出基于项目课程模式下的商务英语教学改革及措施,为高职院校商务英语翻译教学改革提供参考。%The aim of project curriculum mode is to improve the quality of vocational education, improve students' professional ability, and meet enterprises' requirements for vocational and technical talents. Under this mode, the knowledge of the traditional curriculum system is transferred into a number of teaching projects, and the communication context is created around the content of vocational work. The teaching process is developed in the form of simulated tasks, to give students the opportunity to actually use their language skills and professional knowledge, to realize learning by doing. This "work with language" approach is helpful for the integration of business English translation skills and business English professional knowledge, so as to improve the teaching effectiveness. This paper analyzes the present situation of business English translation teaching in higher vocational colleges, and puts forward the teaching reform measures of business English based on the project curriculum mode, which can provide reference for the reform of business English translation teaching in vocational colleges.



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