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Infrequent use of medicinal plants from India in snakebite treatment




Snakes have fascinated humankind for millennia. Snakebites are a serious medical, social, and economic problem that are experienced worldwide; however, they are most serious in tropical and subtropical countries. The reasons for this are 1) the presence of more species of the most dangerous snakes, 2) the inaccessibility of immediate medical treatment, and 3) poor health care. The goal of this study was to collect information concerning rare, less utilized, and less studied medicinal plants. More than 100 plants were found to have potential to be utilized as anti-snake venom across India. Data accumulated from a variety of literature sources revealed useful plant families, the parts of plants used, and how to utilize them. In India, there are over 520 plant species, belonging to approximately 122 families, which could be useful in the management of snakebites. This study was conducted to encourage researchers to create herbal antidotes, which will counteract snake venom. These may prove to be an inexpensive and easily assessable alternative, which would be of immense importance to society. Plants from families such as Acanthaceae, Arecaceae, Apocynaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Asteraceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lamiaceae, Rubiaceae, and Zingiberaceae are the most useful. In India, experts of folklore are using herbs either single or in combination with others.
机译:蛇已经使人类着迷了数千年。蛇咬伤是一个严重的医学,社会和经济问题,全世界都在经历。但是,它们在热带和亚热带国家最为严重。造成这种情况的原因是:1)存在更多种类的最危险的蛇; 2)无法获得即时医疗服务; 3)卫生保健不佳。这项研究的目的是收集有关稀有,利用较少和研究较少的药用植物的信息。发现有100多种植物有潜力在印度各地用作抗蛇毒。从各种文献来源收集的数据揭示了有用的植物科,所用植物的组成部分以及如何利用它们。在印度,有大约520个科的520多种植物,可用于蛇咬的管理。进行这项研究是为了鼓励研究人员制造可解毒蛇毒的草药解毒剂。这些可能被证明是一种廉价且易于评估的替代方案,这对社会具有极其重要的意义。来自棘皮科,槟榔科,夹竹桃科,Ca草科,菊科,葫芦科,豆科,大戟科,唇形科,茜草科和姜科的科植物是最有用的。在印度,民间传说专家正在使用一种草药,也可以将其与其他草药合用。



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