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A Survey of On-Chip Optical Interconnects


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Numerous challenges present themselves when scaling traditional on-chip electrical networks to large many-core processors. Some of these challenges include high latency, limitations on bandwidth, and power consumption. Researchers have therefore been looking for alternatives. As a result, on-chip nanophotonics has emerged as a strong substitute for traditional electrical NoCs.As of 2017, on-chip optical networks have moved out of textbooks and found commercial applicability in short-haul networks such as links between servers on the same rack or between two components on the motherboard. It is widely acknowledged that in the near future, optical technologies will move beyond research prototypes and find their way into the chip. Optical networks already feature in the roadmaps of major processor manufacturers and most on-chip optical devices are beginning to show signs of maturity.This article is designed to provide a survey of on-chip optical technologies covering the basic physics underlying the operation of optical technologies, optical devices, popular architectures, power reduction techniques, and applications. The aim of this survey article is to start from the fundamental concepts and move on to the latest in the field of on-chip optical interconnects.
机译:将传统的片上电气网络扩展到大型多核处理器时,会遇到许多挑战。这些挑战中的一些挑战包括高延迟,带宽限制和功耗。因此,研究人员一直在寻找替代方案。结果,片上纳米光子学已成为传统电子NoC的有力替代品.2017年,片上光网络已从教科书中移出,并在短途网络中发现了商业适用性,例如同一服务器上的服务器之间的链接机架上或主板上的两个组件之间。众所周知,在不久的将来,光学技术将超越研究原型,并进入芯片。光纤网络已经出现在主要处理器制造商的路线图中,并且大多数片上光学设备开始显示出成熟的迹象。本文旨在对片上光学技术进行调查,涵盖了光学技术运作的基础物理原理。 ,光学设备,流行的架构,功率降低技术和应用。这篇调查文章的目的是从基本概念开始,并逐步发展到片上光学互连领域中的最新技术。



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