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Pixie Dust: Graphics Generated by Levitated and Animated Objects in Computational Acoustic-Potential Field


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We propose a novel graphics system based on the expansion ofrn3D acoustic-manipulation technology. In conventional research onrnacoustic levitation, small objects are trapped in the acoustic beamsrnof standing waves. We expand this method by changing the distributionrnof the acoustic-potential field (APF). Using this technique,rnwe can generate the graphics using levitated small objects. Our approachrnmakes available many expressions, such as the expressionrnby materials and non-digital appearance. These kinds of expressionsrnare used in many applications, and we aim to combine themrnwith digital controllability. In the current system, multiple particlesrnare levitated together at 4.25-mm intervals. The spatial resolutionrnof the position is 0.5 mm. Particles move at up to 72 cm/s. The allowablerndensity of the material can be up to 7 g/cm~3. For this study,rnwe use three options of APF: 2D grid, high-speed movement, andrncombination with motion capture. These are used to realize floatingrnscreen or mid-air raster graphics, mid-air vector graphics, andrninteraction with levitated objects. This paper reports the details ofrnthe acoustic-potential field generator on the design, control, performancernevaluation, and exploration of the application space. Torndiscuss the various noncontact manipulation technologies in a unifiedrnmanner, we introduce a concept called “computational potentialrnfield” (CPF).
机译:我们提出了一种基于rn3D声处理技术扩展的新型图形系统。在常规的声悬浮研究中,小物体被困在声束驻波中。我们通过更改声势场(APF)的分布来扩展此方法。使用这种技术,我们可以使用悬浮的小物体生成图形。我们的方法提供了许多表达方式,例如材料表达和非数字外观。这些表达形式已在许多应用中使用,我们的目标是将它们与数字可控性结合起来。在当前系统中,多个粒子以4.25毫米的间隔悬浮在一起。位置的空间分辨率为0.5毫米。粒子以最高72 cm / s的速度移动。材料的允许密度可以达到7 g / cm〜3。在本研究中,我们使用了APF的三个选项:2D网格,高速运动以及与运动捕捉的组合。这些用于实现浮动屏幕或空中栅格图形,空中矢量图形以及与悬浮对象的交互。本文报告了声势场发生器在设计,控制,性能评估和应用空间探索方面的细节。 Torn以统一的方式讨论了各种非接触式操纵技术,我们引入了一个称为“计算势场”(CPF)的概念。



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