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Does Chilling Water Increase Air Cooling Operation


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An Experiment was carried out at the Department workshop of Agricultural Machines and Equipment/ Faculty of Agriculture/University of Baghdad in order to find the effect of adding ice to the cooling material (water). Readings recorded, have been taken out every 10 minutes from 10:10 am to 11 am. The readings included measuring temperature of cooling water in the reservoir and the water temperature before getting out on the pad cooling and temperature dry air to the outside and the temperature of the air after his release from the pads. System was used pad, fan, where you installed the pad at the tip and the fan on the other side of the unit of evaporative cooling, the thickness of pad used 20 cm was set water on the discharge of 10 liters / min designed unit evaporative cooling dimensions (1.2 meters length × 1 meter width × 30 cm thickness ) Ground designed and unit restrictions hierarchically directly applicable to the cooling unit, evaporative base of large dimensions (1.17 cm long × 94 cm width) and the remote party (which represents the destination, which ends fan pull air) and narrows the pool to reach its dimensions at the base small (52 cm length × 45 cm width), which ends with a section of a circular hole 37 cm in diameter to stretch and prove at the end of a fan to pull air to the air passes through this section of the ring. The results showed there is no significant difference between treatments at 5 % as it did not affect in addition to the ice water cooling the temperature of the air, but air temperature drops relatively little to be slight



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