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The Portuguese Air Force: A Look Ahead


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Developing a vision of the future in a time marked by asymmetries and discontinuities calls for circumspection, especially to properly perceive the constant changes taking place around us and the speed with which they unfold. Despite the current environment of accelerated change and our heavy reliance on emerging technologies and practical doctrines for using available assets, the enduring characteristics, capabilities, and principles of airpower employment provide a needed intellectual anchor for anticipating action. However, we can rest assured that the air force of the future will certainly be an heir to the one that exists today, which, in turn, remembers what it has learned from its predecessor. This relationship becomes apparent, for example, when one sees that our past national objectives dictated the employment of air assets in vast and remote theaters of operations. Those objectives became a de facto precursor to the development of capabilities that we call expeditionary during the present time, when mission accomplishment depends on a mind-set of excellence, reflected in the motto "serve well by performing well." Thus, one can see the future of the air force only from a logic of seamless values and goals indelibly infused with a specific institutional culture.



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