首页> 外文期刊>Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering >Introduction of a Novel Design Approach for Tunnel-Type Induction Furnace Coil for Aluminium Billet Heating

Introduction of a Novel Design Approach for Tunnel-Type Induction Furnace Coil for Aluminium Billet Heating


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In this paper, a user-friendly algorithm was developed by analysis of induction heating of aluminium in a radial direction using analytic, numerical and experimental methods. The aim of this study was to investigate the design data required for the coil and the power supply. The mathematical model of the heating process was simplified into one dimension. The general equation of heat conduction was solved analytically in cylindrical coordinates. The results are validated with the results of experimental and numerical methods. In the study, it is seen that the radial temperature distribution can be modelled with a second-degree equation with a 7% error rate. An important benefit of this paper is the homogenization time coefficient that is a useful tool for calculating the total resting time. Finally, a basic and user-friendly method was described to investigate the length of a tunnel-type induction furnace coil design.



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