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Bank Investigation Coincides With Executive Departures


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Hong Kong―U.S. authorities are investigating the activities of the Bank of China, a disclosure that coincides with the dismissal of the bank's former president from his current job and the emergence of details about a secretive shakeup at the bank. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a branch of the U.S. Treasury Department that supervises federally chartered banks, is conducting the investigation of the U.S. activities of the state-owned bank, which is one of the four largest in China and has branches in New York and Los Angeles. A person close to the situation confirmed the existence of the investigation but declined to disclose details. The investigation coincides with the removal of senior Bank of China officials in New York, Hong Kong and Beijing over the past two years. In addition, the Bank of China's former president, Wang Xuebing, was dismissed two weeks ago from his current positions as chief executive of the state-controlled China Construction Bank, and chairman of China International Capital Corp., an investment-banking joint-venture in which Construction Bank and Morgan Stanley are the two largest sharehold-, ers. Executives at Construction Bank told bank employees that Mr. Wang had been "removed" from his posts, said two employees reached by phone in Beijing. The term is unusually blunt in the context of official personnel shifts in China, where changes are usually described as transfers or resignations.



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