
Leaving Iraq


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A startling figure from the continuing conflict in Iraq is that combat casualties are just 11% of the total medical cases that have to be evacuated to Germany or the U.S. A single facility at Ramstein AB, for example, had processed more than 10,000 cases by mid-January. A recent med-evac flight between bases in Iraq accompanied by this Aviation Week & Space Technology editor largely reflected the statistics. A Texas Air National Guard C-130 flying from a medical collection center at Balad AB to Baghdad International Airport car- ried two victims of an explosive device triggered near their vehicle. A third soldier who could not be stabilized for movement later died. The other 18 patients were on board for reasons that included lifting injuries, auto wrecks, falls, sports accidents and leishmaniasis (a disfiguring and sometimes life-threatening disease transmitted by sand flies). Also on board was an Army sergeant who had hidden a hernia so he could deploy to Iraq with his infantry unit and serve out its deployment before seeking medical care.



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